Dental Office Whistleblower Gets $45,000 In Settlement Over Alleged Fraud

A whistleblower is getting $45,000 for tipping the government off to her employer’s alleged misdeeds.



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On Thursday, Oct. 1, Abbas Mohammadi, the owner of Columbia Dental, P.C., Maxillofacial Imaging in Manchester, and Columbia Oral, agreed to pay $300,000 to resolve allegations that the companies violated the federal and state False Claims Act, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Connecticut said. Mohammadi has about 15 dental offices across Connecticut.

Mohammadi was accused of billing Medicaid for services that were either not provided, medically unnecessary, or performed by someone who was not certified to do that work, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Most of the $300,000 settlement will go to reimburse Medicaid. About $45,000 will go to Mohammadi’s former employee who helped the government sue Mohammadi over the alleged fraud.

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can sue someone on behalf of the government and get a chunk of the settlement or restitution recovered by federal or state officials. The ex-employee, Brittany Mahoney, first sued Mohammadi in 2015.

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